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1. WriterBoard :

Writerboard is easy to use. Simply make and connect nodes, set an ‘End of Story Node’, which is often set automatically and keep plotting your story. Occasionally you can mark the nodes which are crucial to the story as ‘Important’.

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2. Creating a Node :

Make a new Event node by clicking the “+” icon on the toolbar on the left or by clicking Tools > Add Event or shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A

Creating a Node.jpg
3. Event Node :

The Basic node in Writerboard, just takes the Description of the Event, can be anything from Plot point or little action of the character. You can also add a title of the Event by clicking on the “Event” text on the top bar of the node.

Event Node.jpg
4. Connecting the Nodes :

This is important for constructing a Story line, when you another node connect it to the last node  by dragging out from the socket of one node and releasing the mouse on the socket of another node.

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5. End of Story Node :

There is always one End of Story node in the node graph, to set this flag on the node of your choice, which adds a purple tint to the node click on Tools > Set End of Story or Shortcut Ctrl+E.  The entire story will be shown on Overviewer which will be calculated upstream from the End of Story node.

End of Story Node.jpg
6. Important Nodes :

Any node can be set as ‘Important node’ which adds a blue tint to the node. To set any node as important node, select the node and click Tools > Set as Important or Shortcut Ctrl+I. This flag can be used by Overviewer to filter out important events.

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7. Overviewer :

This is a very useful tool when we have stories of larger complexities and length. It shows your entire story in a scrollable view. You can edit any event simply by clicking on the text and typing. You can easily dock it out and place it on other edge and other screen.

8. Filters - Important Events :

This is a basic filter, activate it by clicking on it situated on the top right of Overviewer window. Shows Important events, useful when you have a large story.

9. Tabs :

Tabs are very useful when you want to divide your story in certain pieces. Add a new tab by clicking on “Tab+” button on the top left of the main window. Delete tabs by clicking on “x” next to the name of the Tabs.

10. File Saving / Opening :

Your entire project can be saved as Digital ’.scene’ files on your computer. And can be opened on any computer with WriterBoard. Click File > Save (Ctrl+S) to save the file. Click File > Open (Ctrl+O). Click File > Save as a new file.

*As of now, All your saved files can only be opened directly by Open File option, Click File > Open (Ctrl+O).

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How To Use (Alpha v0.1)

11. Autosave :

WriterBoard in its alpha stage has bugs and may crash while you are working, In order to prevent any loss of work, we have included the Autosave functionality which keeps saving your files after a while under  Documents/Writerboard/Autosavedir/
You can open the latest one in this folder to quickly recover your work and you won’t have lost much.

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